Message to all human beings

Monday, December 6, 2010

   In fact our enemy is not fellow human beings, but our biggest enemy is the jinn and devils that always bothering us to do evil, the possibility of you all do not know because our enemy was not visible and can not be in touch, but some traits - traits jin and devil take us in the ugliness that is:

- Our hearts have always wanted to make us angry.
- Whispering in my heart to hate each other and hostile to humans.
- Telling us to steal.
- Telling us to do evil.
- Always spend money that is not useful.
- Want to rape.
- Eating foods results from stealing.
- And many bad things that take us into hell.

  Because the crimes in human history was never lost. because the jinn and devils are the real enemy, who whispers in the heart. truth must always be our calls, and we must always avoid evil, let's fight to beat the jinns and devils .......


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